Sensei CJ Lundberg

Sensei CJ Lundberg is the founder and Head Instructor of Full Circle Martial Arts Academy. With over 17 years of martial arts experience, and over 14 years of experience teaching the martial arts, Sensei CJ has dedicated his life to the pursuit of excellence in both the martial arts and personal development.

Sensei CJ began training in a hybrid art of Northern Mantis Kung Fu, Karate, American Kenpo, Taekwondo, Jujutsu, Aikido, and Kickboxing at the age of 9. At the age of 12 he was moved into adult classes early because of his size and skill, but remained in the youth classes as an assistant instructor. At 14 he began pursuing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu before earning his Youth Black Belt in Karate and Kung Fu at the age of 15. He then began training in Muay Thai Kickboxing as he continued on to earn his 1st Degree Black Belt at the age of 16, bridging the gap between Youth and Adult Black Belts, a curriculum designed for 2-3 years, in just 1 year. He continued training and teaching extensively as he earned his 2nd Degree Black Belt at 18, and his 3rd Degree in 2019 at the age of 21, becoming the youngest to ever achieve the rank in the history of the system. During this time he also achieved the rank of 3-Stripe Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under UFC record holder Marcus Aurélio in 2019 as well as high levels in Muay Thai, Muay Lao, American Kickboxing, Jujutsu, and Aikido.

Additionally in 2014 he began his study of Z-Health, a system of functional neurology under his first martial arts teacher Sensei Michael Golden, and Dr. Eric Cobb. This path of education completely changed the way he looked at training, martial arts, teaching, and life as a whole. He incorporates a brain-based model at the forefront of his teaching style and program design allowing for faster learning, improved performance on and off the mat, and more effective injury prevention and recovery.

He went on to run multiple concurrent programs at a school with over 500+ students and brought classes from struggling to maintain 2-4 students per class, to consistently getting as many as 30+ students in some classes, as well as expanding class offerings and improving student retention well beyond what it was before he took over the programs.

Sensei CJ has a profound ability to make learning the martial arts fun for everyone without subtracting from the substance of what is taught. His technical and precise but easily accessible teaching combined with his unique sense of humor helps him convey techniques and concepts in a way that is both digestible and memorable to students of all levels and ages. Throughout over a decade of teaching he has guided even the most apprehensive students into a deep love for the martial arts and high levels of success, both on and off the mat.

Sensei CJ’s teaching extends beyond the “martial” aspect of the martial arts as he helps students apply the lessons learned on the mat to improve their health, success, and relationships.

Styles Taught

Kung Fu, Karate, Kenpo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Aikido, Jujutsu, Judo, Tai Chi, MMA

Currently Studying

All of the above + Atienza Kali, Wing Chun, Tang Soo Do, Kajukido, Tae Kwon Do


  • Recognition as founder of Kenmei Wa Ken Jitsu via the International Independent Martial Artists Association

  • Recognition as “Sensei” via the United Martial Arts Alliance

  • Recognition as “Sifu” via the International Kenpo Karate Society

  • R-Phase Certified Z-Health Trainer

  • I-Phase Certified Z-Health Trainer

Ranks Held/Time Trained

  • 4th Degree Black Belt in Kenmei Wa Ken Jitsu

  • 3rd Degree Black Belt in American Karate (17 Years)

  • 3rd Degree Black Belt in Wu Shen Pai Chu’an Fa Gung Fu (17 Years)

  • 1st Degree Black Belt in Kenpo Jiu-Jitsu Goshin Jitsu

  • 3-Stripe Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (12 Years)

  • Blue Belt In Gelinas Ryu Aikido (11 Years)

  • Blue Belt In Gelinas Ryu Jujutsu (11 Years)

  • Muay Thai (11 Years)

  • 4th Gup Green Belt in Tang Soo Do

Our Facility

We operate out of a beautiful 800 sq ft facility fully equipped with mats, bags, pads, and training dummies for use in classes. The facility is kept clean and students are required to maintain a high level of personal hygiene in order to participate. The facility is shared, with our school holding classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and availability for scheduled private lessons on Saturdays, and Suffield Tae Kwon Do Academy operating out of the same facility on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.